IT’S TIME for everyone to access affordable transit
Why It Matters:
- Communities thrive when people can move around easily.
- OC Transpo provides an especially critical link for those who have limited choices—including the young, elderly, people with disabilities and lower-income Ottawans.
- When everyone has access to safe, affordable transit, it contributes to Ottawa’s social wellbeing and economic prosperity.
We Believe That:
- No one should have to pass up going to the doctor or visiting a friend because they can’t afford to travel within Ottawa.
- Our public transit system should empower those who have limited choices—including youth, elderly, people with a disability, and lower income Ottawa residents.
But the Reality Is Troubling:
- Without consistent federal funding for transit, cities can’t afford to have good transit that is affordable for everyone.
- Rising bus fares make it challenging for people on low incomes to afford public transit.
Questions to Ask:
- Will you establish a long-term (10-20 year) National Transit Strategy with funding commitments made to municipalities for each year so they can make public transit more affordable for riders?
- Will you commit to regular meetings with provincial and municipal governments to plan and implement public transportation solutions?